Show HN: Caps-log (Captain's log) – A small TUI journaling tool

Show HN: Caps-log (Captain's log) – A small TUI journaling tool

Show HN: Caps-log (Captain's log) – A small TUI journaling tool Caps-log is a compact TUI (Text-based User Interface) journaling application crafted in C++ and leveraging the FTXUI library for its terminal interface. It allows users to save daily log entries as simple markdown files, making it an appealing tool for those who prefer working within a terminal environment. The interface is designed with a calendar feature that stands out by marking the days associated with a log entry. Furthermore, it can accentuate days based on specific 'tags' or 'sections' identified in the logs, which are either markdown list items starting with '*' or level one headers. In addition to these features, caps-log includes password protection for your entries and offers a somewhat 'hacky' (for now) method for remote storage. This is achieved by integrating with a pre-configured Git repository, enabling remote storage via a git remote. February 19, 2024 at 01:07AM

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