Show HN: MagicQuit – closes apps when you don't use them anymore (free)

Show HN: MagicQuit – closes apps when you don't use them anymore (free)

Show HN: MagicQuit – closes apps when you don't use them anymore (free) I often end up having 15+ applications open in my Dock. And, unfortunately, I tend to never close them. While Arc Browser does a great job for browser tabs, I didn’t find any fully satisfying solution for MacOS. One used way too much power and the other one would have taken quite some time to set it up. So instead I decided to develop an app which took x times more of my free time. MagicQuit is entirely free, open source, 100% offline and closes apps that you haven’t been using in the last 12 hours (customizable). Feature-wise I wanted to keep it as clean and simple as possible. It also uses nearly ~0% of cpu usage. Give it a try if you’re a Mac user and also having the same issue with many open applications: August 9, 2023 at 05:18PM

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