Show HN: Make sense of all your files, links and messages in the cloud

Show HN: Make sense of all your files, links and messages in the cloud

Show HN: Make sense of all your files, links and messages in the cloud Hello everyone! Like most of you, we also use a lot of tools and have all our files, links and messages scattered over all those different tools in the cloud. Which often leads to not knowing where that one file is that you need. At best this means you waste 5 minutes looking for a file or link and at worst it means that valuable knowledge gets lost in a company. That’s why we created a place for you to connect all your tools, organize your files, and allow you to search across all your apps. Right now, you can connect up to 8 different tools, but there are a lot more to come! Give it a try and let me know your feedback! August 23, 2023 at 06:01PM

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