Show HN: I make this inbox work like pastebin. It helps you DM without yr info

Show HN: I make this inbox work like pastebin. It helps you DM without yr info

Show HN: I make this inbox work like pastebin. It helps you DM without yr info Example: Blah blah blah Please also DM me here: --- How it works: Create a inbox -> generate link -> leave it -> check mail in 7 days -> (auto destroy) leave it on the anonymous place whatever you want people to contact you one time only, ask them to leave a contact method also. Contact them back. Basically it is a safer way to contact online since scammers are crazy collecting our infos/social handles in 2023. The mailbox will auto burnt after 7 days. I hope it helps you. Thanks for visit. October 4, 2023 at 11:57PM

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