Show HN: Systema Robotica, a treatise on the order and evolution of robotkind

Show HN: Systema Robotica, a treatise on the order and evolution of robotkind

Show HN: Systema Robotica, a treatise on the order and evolution of robotkind Systema Robotica is a multi-year endeavor to define, classify and demystify robots. The treatise has been published as a book on Amazon and also as an open access public work on LessWrong and TechRxiv. The treatise defines what a robot is, classifies all past, present and future robots, and proposes a novel definition and test for sentience. I welcome everyone's comments, inputs, feedback and suggestions. This is the first edition of Systema Robotica, and I intend to continue to build upon this early framework. August 16, 2024 at 11:20PM