Show HN: Jido – Run 10k agents at 25KB each (Elixir)

Show HN: Jido – Run 10k agents at 25KB each (Elixir)

Show HN: Jido – Run 10k agents at 25KB each (Elixir) Hi HN! I'm Mike Hostetler and I built Jido, an Agent SDK in Elixir that lets you run thousands of agents without heavy infrastructure. Repo: Getting Started: Why another framework? After using several popular Agent frameworks and platforms, I had two key challenges: - Running multiple agents required process-heavy infrastructure like Docker or K8s. Running 50,000 agents in parallel was costly and diminished the benefits of agentic programming. - Today's agents require too much human intervention when building workflows. Why couldn't agents manage their own WDLC (Workflow Design Life Cycle)? This felt like a major missing piece. Agentic frameworks were written for humans. LLMs working with this code were constantly working around human work-style assumptions. So, I wrote a framework specifically for LLMs to code and operate their own agentic flows. Elixir was a natural choice because of it's functional nature, rock-solid concurrency primitives and "let-it-crash" philosophy with dynamic error compensation. Hot code reloading was a bonus. Agents in Jido use 25Kb of memory at rest and can easily serialize then hibernate for long-lived access. Agents possess the APIs to dynamically start and manage their own sub-agents or any other Elixir process utilizing Elixir's OTP architecture. Jido Actions are functional primitives that Agents can dynamically orchestrate into workflows. Generated code can either run in a separate process in the current VM or in another BEAM VM that's linked and hardened before introduction into the Agent VM. I'm excited to help enable a world where thousands of agents work seamlessly on behalf of their human operators. Thanks! December 30, 2024 at 09:58PM

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