Show HN: (NYC S23): Easily Process IMU Data in the Cloud

Show HN: (NYC S23): Easily Process IMU Data in the Cloud

Show HN: (NYC S23): Easily Process IMU Data in the Cloud Hello HN! I'm Hamid, one of the co-founders of, a Non-YC startup (NYC ;). We make it easy to process IMU data into accurate motion outputs like slope, tilt/inclination angle, or 3D yaw, pitch, roll. If IMU means something to you, go to and try processing a sample dataset. Below is a bit more detail on the problem and our solution. We’d love to hear about projects using IMU sensors and what new things you could do with cloud-based motion processing! Why we Launched Adding motion sensing to projects can take months and is filled with gotchas. Perhaps you've experienced it or seen all the unanswered questions on SO about imus, gyros, ahrs, Madgwick, Kalman filters... We want to change that. We manage the sensor fusion software and make it easily usable. Any application which logs accel, gyro, and/or mag data and has internet can use us. Simply upload data, run the sensor-fusion engines, download results and move on. And later do the same programmatically via API calls. Prior to this you had two options: (A) Buying a specialized high-tech sensor for your application (B) Buying a general purpose sensing imu chip or package and customizing a sensor fusion lib to use it With (A) the cost can be prohibitive. You also pay with time to understand the sensor firmware and how to configure it. And keeping the firmware up to date is painful and rarely done. Case in point: our engineering services company bought $25k of motion/nav sensors in 2017 and 2020. They now run firmware that are 6 and 3 years old, respectively. Option (B) has a much cheaper BOM and you can leverage a paid or open-source software library for sensor fusion. Initially a chunk of time will go into sensor calibration and possibly packaging. If your application has an engine, then add another 2 months to wrestle with vibration. But a larger time investment will go into the sensor fusion lib and tuning it to the application. Without on-going maintenance, the software can suffer the same fate as Option (A) firmware and risks becoming a liability. Banking on the fact that most things (will) have internet connectivity, we're introducing a third option. It is a cloud computing model and will work with data from any of the awesome IMU sensors out there. It could be an Invensense or Bosch breakout from Sparkfun/Adafruit or a fully packaged and calibrated Analog Devices or Xsens sensor from Digi-Key. Better yet, prove things with the former at your desk and transition to the latter for field tests. We enable that and want to be the go-to cloud computing engine for motion sensors. Our goal is for engineers to work confidently with IMU sensors and deliver results faster. Whereas before sensor performance was stagnant (or downhill), with you can come back from the weekend and the accuracy will have improved and additional features added. Here’s the direct link to try it out: June 7, 2023 at 11:01PM

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