Show HN: Open-Source Favicon Provider

Show HN: Open-Source Favicon Provider

Show HN: Open-Source Favicon Provider Hey HN, We couldn’t find a reliable favicon provider for our CRM [1]. There are existing solutions (FaviconKit, Google faviconV2, ...) but we have faced issues with all of them: rate-limiting, down-time, inconsistent icon size. We were looking for a solution that is: 1) reliable : no down-time ; 2) accurate : request a specific icon size to optimize for user bandwidth ; 3) high-quality : that provides the highest resolution icon available for a given requested size ; 4) open-source : this is a common need and a simple problem to solve: an open solution should exist and anybody should be able to contribute or to host it. Technical details: Here is the source code: . The way it works is very simple. We have implemented a few strategies to fetch favicons: get favicon from html meta/link tags, call Google Favicon API. Then we retrieve the image and store it into S3. The next time someone asks for the image it is usually served from our CDN cache directly. If not, then it’s pulled from S3. Cloud Hosting: We are hosting a server on We will be using it to power Twenty CRM, so it will be maintained up and running for our own needs. Feel free to use it by directly by embedding images like this: or [1] August 4, 2023 at 01:24AM

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