Show HN: BubbleTea – The Slack-native collaboration suite for the Enterprise

Show HN: BubbleTea – The Slack-native collaboration suite for the Enterprise

Show HN: BubbleTea – The Slack-native collaboration suite for the Enterprise This problem domain is somewhat old, but I hope to bring a refreshing idea to the existing problem. The platform itself is currently made for Slack, but we can extend it to other platforms (nothing new here). Problems we are trying to solve: 1. Too many Slack apps out there. - 10 Slack apps come with 10 different disjointed experiences. - 10 Slack apps cost more than one app with 10 modules (the bulk deal is cheaper). - 10 Slack apps come with 10 times more attack surfaces. It only takes one app to fail and put your entire organization at risk. 2. Your data should be encrypted at all times. - Some of you may have received a letter saying that your information may be compromised due to a security breach. - We encrypt data using AES and manage the master key with KMS. - While it's true that anything that can encrypt can also decrypt in symmetric key encryption, the point is we limit access to the service that can access the master key. Our support won't be able to peek at your data. There will be no accidental database dump. 3. Centralized configurations for management. 4. Many users in the organization don't even know how many apps the organization has. - The app can promote itself but also let users decide to turn this off. - Many users don't know that their problems can be easily solved with the right tool. We just have to reach out to them. BubbleTea is a shell. It has multiple modules inside that can be toggled on and off. BubbleTea also gamifies user activities to increase engagement. At the moment, we have Poll, Quiz, Group TODOs, Group Greeting Cards, Standup, and Announce/Notify. November 9, 2023 at 01:22AM

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