Show HN: EdgeDB Cloud and 4.0 with FTS and Auth

Show HN: EdgeDB Cloud and 4.0 with FTS and Auth

Show HN: EdgeDB Cloud and 4.0 with FTS and Auth Hi there! This is Yury, a co-founder. We've been busy for a while building EdgeDB Cloud and now it's finally here. EdgeDB Cloud is pretty cool and takes full advantage of our database. You get declarative schema, strict typing throughout, great performance, a query language that's best of GraphQL & SQL, and many many other perks. The Cloud itself is quite unique because of EdgeDB. Our query language gives you composability - so you can fetch everything for your page or API endpoint in one network request. And our protocol and client libraries give you auto recovery on network errors, automatic transaction retry, built-in transparent connection pooling, and many other benefits. Check out the blog post where we explain it all. And watch the currently ongoing YouTube Premiere of the launch! November 1, 2023 at 10:57PM

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