Show HN: CriticalPath – Advanced Profiler for Android

Show HN: CriticalPath – Advanced Profiler for Android

Show HN: CriticalPath – Advanced Profiler for Android I am excited to announce the project I am working on: an advanced mobile app profiler for Android. Its primary purpose is to optimize app performance and make it faster. Additionally, it serves as an excellent debugging tool. The main distinction between existing tools, such as Perfetto and the Android Studio Profiler, is the ability to synchronize the trace with a video recording of your app. This allows you to see the app's UX alongside what's occurring within the app to identify what's causing slowdowns. Another key feature is the ability to click on any slice and view the cross-thread execution path of function calls, tracing from a user action to the selected slice. This makes it easier to identify performance regressions: slow functions, suboptimal network calls, or functions clogging the main thread. Additionally, we have implemented smart code instrumentation that has a minimal impact on performance. I am one of the developers of this tool. The project is in active development and are eager for feedback from Android developers. You can try it out at February 29, 2024 at 02:22AM

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